Tuesday, 16 December 2008

True words

For many people the modifying of language over time is an unobtrusive process, and may go completely unnoticed from one generation to another; some words recede from common usage until they are dropped altogether from normal conversation and the ideas originally conveyed fade into an infrequent checking of spelling and meaning in the pages of dictionaries. But for others the resultant changes in ideas and gradual drift away from essential truths is a matter for concern.
When considered together with a reduction in the future availability of some words – in many cases words which I and my family could not imagine our world being without – any discomfort we may have when honestly assessing our own interpretation of the veracity of words and passages in the Bible, becomes relevant to the frequently ungraspable realities of our own faith, and to the questionable reality of our own commitment to a particular denomination within the Church.
What is the Truth? Where is the Truth? How do we discern the Truth? More worrying still, how does the next generation recognize and understand the truth if words used in its conveyance are rarely used and little understood?

An article by Henry Porter, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/dec/14/books-dictionary-culture in last Sunday's Observer newspaper (14.12.08) is worth a thoughtful read.
The words slipping away through our children’s fingers may not be relevant to their understanding of God’s Word but they are much needed in a world that should allow no reduction in the appreciation of the natural wonders around us. With so much conspiring to make life within a church community (as present members understand it) unattainable and seemingly of no significance, the natural world remains an essential link and an ever-open pathway for today’s young people to catch a glimpse of God in their own lives.

‘... the word ‘supernatural’ is scarcely respectable today. Is this because every generation needs a new vocabulary, needs to discard worn-out words and give language new life and strength? Very probably: but we should remember that certain words express certain ideas; if we change the words we may change the ideas too and so forget the truths that the words originally conveyed.’
(René Voillaume. Concerning Religious Life.)

My thoughts here are a continuation of an inner response to the ways women are frequently perceived, patronized and prohibited from fulfilling their potential within their Church. The apparent silence of women in the Bible should come as no surprise to us when we consider the context in which the scriptures were written, (the already quoted 1 Corinthians 14:33,34, makes this clear enough), but their silence then, though now seeming very loud, is far more readily understood than is the situation for the women of today.
Women are not expected to be silent today; in a quiet and unobtrusive way, Nancy reading to us is evidence of that. She may not be able to give her own ideas and insights into the passages she reads, but the fact that she can use her gift to the full, bringing out layers of God’s own meaning for those of us who listen, is more than just a beginning; it is a blessing. And it is not as though Nancy is the only one to be seen and heard; we have many women readers, and the sanctuary would look rather bare today if girls were still not allowed to become altar servers. The organizing, catechizing, leading of groups and maintaining the constant portrayal of what it means to be a Christian, would all be grossly diminished if women slipped away into the shadows and silence.
But, there is so much more. Some gifts, like Elizabeth’s welcoming smile, cannot be contained or hidden from view, but what is the real gift hidden in the depths of that welcome? Others, like another woman’s energy and commitment to social justice, poverty and peace, were clearer and active, but what if she had really been encouraged and allowed to lead? And then there are those who have played significant parts in my own journey; understated and calm; available and supportive; rarely seen, even less conversed with, but never forgotten. Beneath their obvious giftedness, whatever are the latent powers with which they have been blessed? I am not the only one to have sensed the Presence within them.
Such women are to be found in every parish throughout the world. The time will come for them to be heard and seen, to be known, proclaimed and experienced as equal in all ways. We know it will not happen today or tomorrow but it can be brought forward by ordinary Christian men: men like me, awakening the truths that sleep within us. It will take the gentle pressure of our collective awareness coupled with an insistence of the Holy Spirit’s guidance to spread the inner truth upwards through the tiers of pride, prestige and power. Every man should be prepared to strip away all layers of defence, assumed superiority, self-confidence and pride, not to stand aside in confusion, suppressed anger or disbelief, but to allow the Spirit of God to breathe in every heart and mind, and to discern what each of us truly believes. From this simple reality will grow the awareness of any changes needed to conform to the will of Christ for His Church.

How do I unravel the contradictions that are so much a part of what goes on within me? (Contradictions that must be apparent here.)
I believe the Bible to contain the Word of God, but do I believe it in the way others expect me to believe? And who are these others?
I know that I tend to pick and choose as much as anyone else; why does that admission not frighten me?
What is the Truth? Where is the Truth? How do I discern the Truth?
What is gospel? What is The Gospel?

Earlier this year, Patsy Rodenburg, a noted voice coach, was interviewed on Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour. (3.3.08)
Speaking about the contest between Hillary Clinton and Barach Obama for the Democratic Party nomination in the United States , she said, “I’m very fearful that at this moment a lot of people don’t want the truth, they want quality.”
Is this not one of the dangers in the Church today? We are brought back to the power of words for good or ill, and the phenomenal swaying power of words from the mouth of anyone with a gift for getting their message across to those who hear them. Truth can be hidden and lost in the apparent blessings of such quality, but it is reassuring when words from the Bible, no more and no less, when brought to life by a gifted reader should convey the Truth to me.

It is little wonder that it has taken so many years to acquire my inner certainties, but it is a source of peace that I know they will never be lost.

Dear Lord, I know what lives as truth within me;
Let me not be misguided by the dark corners of my self.
Lead me always, that I may do nothing contrary to Your will,
And let me speak no more on this without Your bidding.

About Me

Who I am should be, and should remain, of little consequence to you. Who you are is what matters; who you are meant to be is what should matter most to you. In coming closer to my own true self, I have gradually been filled with the near inexpressible: I have simply become "brim full", and my words to you are drawn from those uttered within myself, as part of an undeniable overflowing that brings a smile to my every dusk, and to my every new dawn.
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