‘... everyone should be quick to listen ...’ (James 1:19)
An absolute belief in the ‘rightness’ of whatever one is called upon to do, will undoubtedly make one’s immediate obedient response more straightforward than when that belief is absent. But where there is no such personal conviction, its absence is overridden by the transference of all certainties into one’s faith in those whose orders are being followed.
Such obedience can lead to otherwise impossible results, but, as Remembrance Day never fails to remind us, it is, always has been, and always will be very costly. The ‘war to end all wars’ never had a chance of coming close to ending war as part of the human experience; the human race has not moved beyond its belief in it, its support for it, and in too many quarters, its hunger for it.
It has only been in recent days that I have been struck by the similarity of that response to the one required of us as Christians: as followers of Christ. We are always to be awake: alert, and ready to respond to any calling to do God’s will, whether in some far-reaching, life-changing aspect of His will for us and for the world, or in our day-to-day lives among our neighbours and friends, those with whom we work , and with whom we travel.
Just as my father’s travel orders were both command and authorization, so too our instructions from God give us the authority to do whatever He may assign to us. The very same words apply: ‘You are authorized ... to carry out an assigned mission.’ We only comprehend the implications of this when we not only hear, but understand His Word, and incorporate it into our own mindset.
‘Humbly welcome the Word which has been planted in you ...’ (James 1:21)
We should do only that which we have been authorised to do, not simply what may appeal in some way; but we do have the additional stage of discernment to go through. Where our calling and subsequent sending out come from is not always as obvious as it is for military personnel. We are constantly called by a power that would misguide us; that will do whatever it takes to keep us from putting into action any thoughts we may have of working for the advance of God’s Kingdom. We have the freedom to choose, but having discerned the source of the Word which has come to us, we should respond accordingly, either rejecting it, or acting on it with no more hesitation than would the soldier, sailor or airman.
God may make his will known to us through the presence of others in our lives, but just as General Eisenhower was in command of the invasion of Italy, so God’s command still comes from Him, not from the one who brings the message to us;
‘... you must do what the Word tells you and not just listen to it ...’ (James 1:22)
If it comes from a known and recognized source: from Allied Force Headquarters, or through the guidance or prompting of the Holy Spirit, we should not spend time thinking about it, talking about it, questioning it; we should respond to it. If it requires something of us, we should not hesitate; we should do it.
It is in our ability to discern God’s Word and to act upon it, that we become aware that all previous steps along our path have been leading us towards that ability. From realizing that we have been the Found, the Named, and the Touched, and each of the other imagined followers (see 6th January 07 …for the journey) through to the Empowered, we now find that we have become the Directed. God has strengthened us and shown us the way; and in our willingness to act according to His direction we wordlessly proclaim, “I shall obey you Lord.”
And thus we find ourselves at what we once thought to be a destination, but which is now greeted joyfully as a new start-point for our continuing journey. When we began, it had seemed so very far away: out of reach even; but now the journey seems to have been so short. And that has made real for us the value of having companions along the way.
We have narrowed down our choices, and in finding the compass bearing we were made to follow, we have entered into the realm of true freedom. We have discerned and chosen, and have no desire for any other way; the narrow way is wide enough for all of us.
Dear Lord, we thank you for your presence in our lives; you have waited so long for us to fully turn to You.
I welcome the blessings and responsibilities which come with being counted as one of ‘The Sent’.
You have commanded and sent me.
Do with me what you will.